Endoscopic Sedation Could be Performed Safely in Children

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Somchai Amornyotin


For gastrointestinal endoscopic (GIE) procedures in children, general anesthesia by a multidisciplinary team led by an anesthesiologist is generally preferred. To date, the growing number of pediatric GIE procedures requiring sedation and analgesia are recognized even in Thailand.1-3 Intravenous sedation for children undergoing these procedures involves careful consideration of safety and best practices to ensure the well-being of the child throughout the procedure. The ability to provide safe and effective sedation and analgesia is an important skill for anesthetic personnel involved in pediatric patients. Children are more prone to anxiety in the acute care setting. Procedural sedation is the use of sedative, analgesic and dissociate drugs to provide anxiolysis, analgesia, sedation and motor control during painful and unpleasant procedures. However, intravenous sedation for pediatric GIE procedure is pervasive in any hospital that cares for children and depending on the institution and country. Sedation-related adverse events could be reduced by proper preprocedural assessment, appropriate sedation technique and careful postprocedural management.4

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