The First Case Report of the Anesthesiologist’s Perspective of the Simultaneous Liver-Kidney Transplantation in Thailand

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Soontarin Chungsaengsatitayaporn


Anesthesia management in simultaneous liver-kidney
transplantation (SLKT) is a rare case of success for
surgery in developing countries. This article was reviewed
as the first case of SLKT with the success of anesthesia
performance and surgery in Northern Thailand. Although
SLKT is the best choice to rescue the end-stage liver
disease and kidney failure patients, shortage organ
donations, a high cost of the procedure, aftercare limitation
and several comorbidities of the recipient which can be
challenges that should be considered. Anesthesiologists
รายงานผู้ป่วย • Case Report
have limited experience in this complex procedure, several
kinds of literature review several surgical techniques, but
the recommended SLKT anesthetic guideline is not
widely available in Thailand. Intravascular volume
management that due to maintaining the venous outflow
of the liver allograft, Issues during anesthesia management
in SLKT is a challenge and be aware including the diuresis
of kidney allograft, massive bleeding and coagulopathy

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