Anesthesia Practitioners’ Inappropriate Handling with Narcotics and Psychotropics

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Nuthakun Posri
Nisara Tanphan
Varathip Thongdech
Phongthara Vichitvejpaisal


In the complex landscape of healthcare, the phenomenon of anesthesia practitioners mishandling narcotics and psychotropics has surfaced as a pressing concern. This article delves into the enigmatic unraveling of this issue, shedding light on the implications it poses for patient safety and professional integrity. Anesthesia practitioners, entrusted with administering potent substances critical to pain management and patient well-being, stand at the intersection of ethical dilemmas and critical responsibilities. The article examines key points, emphasizing that patient safety is at immediate risk due to impaired decision-making and administration errors resulting from inappropriate substance use. Collaboration emerges as a cornerstone for addressing this challenge, necessitating cooperation among practitioners, institutions, regulatory bodies, and professional associations. Preventive measures and educational initiatives are underscored as pivotal strategies to mitigate substance abuse risks within this professional group.

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