Factors Predicting Seizure Prevention Practices in Children Among Caregivers


  • ณัฐนรี อนุกูลวรรธกะ Graduate Student, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang mai University
  • พัชราภรณ์ อารีย์ Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • สุธิศา ล่ามช้าง Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Caregivers of children with seizure, seizure prevention practices in children, predicting perceived Severity, , perceived barrier, perceived self-efficacy


Seizures in children impacts the health of both the child and their caregiver. Preventive actions by the caregiver could help children control their seizures. The purpose of this predictive correlational study was to explore and to predict the perceived severity of seizure, and the perceived barriers and self-efficacy of child seizure prevention practices among caregivers. The study sample, selected by purposive sampling, included 74 caregivers of children prone to seizures aged between 1 month and 6 years who attended Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital, Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital, Lampang Hospital and Buddhachinaraj Hospital. The study instruments consisted of the Severity of Child’s Illness as Perceived by Parent Questionnaire, the Child Seizure Prevention Practices Among Caregivers Questionnaire, the Perceived Barriers Questionnaire and the Perceived Self-Efficacy Questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression. The study results were as follows.

Caregivers had an overall high score for child seizure prevention practices. The mean score was 87.26. The score for fever management, antiepileptic drugs use and follow up, and general care routine were at a high level, with the mean scores being 26.32, 22.70 and 11.56, respectively. The score for trigger factor avoidances was at a moderate level, showing a mean of 27.24.

The score for perceived barriers was at a low level, with a mean score of 80.35, and the standard deviation is 11.47. The score for perceived self-efficacy was at a high level, with a mean score of 107.24, and the standard deviation is 1.00, and the score for perceived severity was at a good level, with a mean score of 4.28, and the standard deviation is 14.33.

The predictors of child seizure prevention practices among caregivers were perceived barriers, and perceived severity which together explained 46 % of the seizure prevention practices (R2 = .460, p < .001).

The study results provide basic information for child seizure prevention practices. This information could be used as a guide to promote appropriate child seizure prevention practices among caregivers.


1. เพื่อเป็นแนวทางของพยาบาลหรือบุคลากรทางการแพทย์ในการสร้างแนวปฏิบัติของโรงพยาบาลในการส่งเสริมการปฏิบัติป้องกันอาการชักในเด็กของผู้ดูแล
2. นำไปวางแผนทางการพยาบาลในด้านการปฏิบัติการพยาบาล โดยส่งเสริมการจัดการให้ผู้ดูแลมีการรับรู้อุปสรรคและการรับรู้ความรุนแรงของโรคในการปฏิบัติป้องกันอาการชักในเด็กของผู้ดูแล เพื่อให้ผู้ดูแลสามารถควบคุมและป้องกันการเกิดอาการชักในเด็กได้
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How to Cite

อนุกูลวรรธกะ ณ., อารีย์ พ., & ล่ามช้าง ส. (2017). Factors Predicting Seizure Prevention Practices in Children Among Caregivers. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(4), 1–12. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/135572



Research Article