Participation of Karen Caregivers in Caring for Children with Respiratory Tract Infections Admitted to Community Hospital


  • ศรันย์ ปองนิมิตพร Lecturer Faculty of Nursing Chiangrai college
  • สุธิศา ล่ามช้าง Associate Professor Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • ศรีมนา นิยมค้า Assistant Professor Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University


Participation of Karen Caregivers, Children with Respiratory Tract Infections, Community hospitals


Respiratory tract infections are one of the major causes for Karen children to be admitted to community hospitals. This descriptive research aimed to study actual and preferred parent participation in caring for children with respiratory tract infections, among Karen caregivers in community hospitals. The purpose of this study was also to make comparisons. The samples for the study included the Karen caregivers of children with respiratory tract infections whose ages range from newborn to 5 years old, and were admitted in community hospitals in Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Son provinces from January to March 2014. Purposive sampling was employed, and 140 Karen caregivers were selected to participate in this study. The Parent Participation Scale of Schepp, translated into Thai by Chaichana et al (2002) was used, and then translated into the Karen language. The reliability was tested using Cronbach's alpha Coefficient. The confidence of the actual and preferred participation in caring for children were .87 and .88 respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, Wilcoxon Matched Pair Signed Ranks test, and content analysis.

The study found that the Karen caregivers had a score of preferred participation in providing care for children with respiratory tract infections admitted to community hospital at a high level (= 76.87, SD = 0.97). The caregivers had a mean score of actual participation at a high level (= 75.86, SD = 11.73). There were no significant differences between actual participation and preferred participation in routine care, information sharing, and decision-making. However, there was statistically significant actual participation, and preferred participation in technical care at the level of .05

Data from interviews revealed that Karen caregivers participated in routine caregiving since they were aware of their responsibilities in their constant roles as parents. Also, the hospital's policy was supportive and the caregivers preferred to participate in the following                   1) routine care: they expressed their needs to act according to their daily activities and their own beliefs, 2) technical care in nursing activity: they desired to practice under the supervision or guidance of staff  in addition to receiving their assistance during procedures, and 3) information sharing and decision-making: a translator was needed, and caregivers’ participation in any decision regarding treatment for their children was required.

The results of this study suggest that nurses should realize the importance of caregivers’ participation and their needs to participate in child care. Providing a translator to support the information exchange between caregivers and nursing staff was required.  Also, the results could be used to mobilize Karen caregiver’s participation in providing effective care for children with respiratory tract infections admitted to community hospitals.


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How to Cite

ปองนิมิตพร ศ., ล่ามช้าง ส., & นิยมค้า ศ. (2017). Participation of Karen Caregivers in Caring for Children with Respiratory Tract Infections Admitted to Community Hospital. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(4), 13–23. retrieved from

