Spiritual Health among Relatives of Critically Ill Patients


  • แสงอรุณ ใจวงศ์ผาบ Professional Nurse, Lamphun Hospital
  • ประทุม สร้อยวงค์ Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • สุดารัตน์ สิทธิสมบัติ Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • มยุลี สำราญญาติ Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Spiritual health, relatives of critically ill patients


A critical illness is a threat to the physical, mental, spiritual, social, and economic well-being of a patient and their family. It affects their thought processes and decision-making in the selection of treatment for patients. Advance care planning for critically ill patients is important because the crisis of an illness reduces perceptive, and increases physical and mental stress. Decisions about medical care may not meet the needs of patients and families. Thus, doctors and nurses play an important role in the advance care plan for the decision to promote healthcare through the use of an efficient communication processes.

Keywords : Advance care plan, Critical illness, Role of nurse.



Critical illness is a life-threatening event that affects both patients and their relatives. Critical illness can cause physical, mental, social, and spiritual problems. If the relatives of a patient are in good spiritual health, they can participate in the care of patients and help patients pass away with peace and dignity. This descriptive research study aimed to explore the spiritual health among relatives of critically ill patients admitted to the intensive care unit in Lamphun Hospital, from November 2014 to February 2015. Two hundred and eighty three participants were purposively selected. The research instrument was the Spiritual Health Measure, which was modified from the Spiritual Health and Life-Orientation Measure (SHALOM) developed by Fisher (2010). The content validity index was approved by five experts in the field and reliability was tested before collecting data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

The results of this study were as follows:

Participants’ overall perception of giving importance to meaning and purpose of life were at the highest level (X =4. 63, S.D. =.47); the lived experiences of meaning and purpose of life were at moderate levels (X = 2.62, S.D. = .62); spirituality was at a distressing level (mean scores
= 2.01); and the need for health services to maintain spiritual health was at the highest level
(X = 3.83, S.D. = .73).

The findings of this study confirms that spiritual health is the dissonance between perception or giving importance of meaning and purpose of life, and the lived experiences of the meaning of life and the purpose of life. These related to each of the four dimensions, including the self-dimension, others dimension, environment dimension, and transcendent dimension. Future research should explore factors related to spiritual health, as well as nursing interventions to enhance the spiritual health among relatives of critically ill patients.


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How to Cite

ใจวงศ์ผาบ แ., สร้อยวงค์ ป., สิทธิสมบัติ ส., & สำราญญาติ ม. (2017). Spiritual Health among Relatives of Critically Ill Patients. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(4), 36–48. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/135598

