Interventions for Promoting Self-care Behaviors Among Persons with Heart Failure: A Systematic Review


  • พรสวรรค์ คิดค้า Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, University of Phayao.
  • สุดารัตน์ สิทธิสมบัติ Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • จินดารัตน์ ชัยอาจ Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Systematic review, interventions for promoting self-care behaviors, self-care behaviors, persons with heart failure


Heart failure is a chronic illness that requires self-care in a person’s life. Appropriate self-care behaviors help to control symptoms and prevent heart failure exacerbation. This systematic review aimed to summarize effective evidence for promoting self-care behaviors among persons with heart failure. It was conducted under the guidance for systematic review of the Joanna Briggs Institute and by systematic searching of research studies from 2007 to 2013, from 11 electronic databases and though hand searching of reference lists. Twenty-four studies met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 18 were randomized controlled trial studies and six were quasi-experimental studies. A critical appraisal form and data extraction form developed by the Joanna Briggs Institute were used for this systematic review. Narrative summarization was employed to describe the characteristics of interventions and to determine the effectiveness of those interventions.

The results revealed effective interventions for promoting self-care behaviors among persons with heart failure. These included supportive-educative intervention, social support, and multidisciplinary care. These interventions were defined using reliable research methodology, were studied in large sample sizes and provided consistent results. Therefore, these interventions are appropriate to be used for promoting self-care behaviors among persons with heart failure. However, the effectiveness of some of these interventions which include telemonitoring, self-management programs and motivational interviewing could not be confirmed, but further studies indicated them,

This systematic review recommends three effective interventions for promoting self-care behavior among persons with heart failure. Applying evidence based to practices to the characteristics of persons with heart failure should be considered, as well as the readiness and appropriateness of the health service systems.


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How to Cite

คิดค้า พ., สิทธิสมบัติ ส., & ชัยอาจ จ. (2017). Interventions for Promoting Self-care Behaviors Among Persons with Heart Failure: A Systematic Review. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(4), 71–80. retrieved from

