Factors Related to Readiness for Hospital Discharge Among Caregivers of Older Patients with Stroke


  • ปริมล หงษ์ศรี Graduate students, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University,
  • ศิริรัตน์ ปานอุทัย Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • วณิชา พึ่งชมภู Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


caregivers of older patients with stroke, readiness for hospital discharge caregiver factors, patient factors and nursing therapeutic factors.


Caregivers of older patients who have had a stroke take primary responsibility for caring of patients at home.  If caregivers are ready to care for patients after discharge, the quality of care will be improved.  This descriptive correlational research aimed to describe the relationship between readiness for hospital discharge and the related factors consisting of caregiver factors, patient factors and nursing therapeutic factors. Purposive sampling was used to recruit 88 caregivers of older patients with stroke, admitted at Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital and Nakornping Chiang Mai Hospital from October 2015 to January of 2016.  The instruments used in this study were Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale, Quality of Discharge Teaching Scale and Care Coordination Scale.  Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Point biserial correlation coefficient, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and Spearman rank correlation.

            The results are revealed as follows:

  1. 1. The overall readiness for hospital discharge ( =201.70, S.D.=27.64) and dimensions such as physical and emotional status, knowledge, coping ability and expected support as perceived by caregivers of older patients with stroke were at a high level;
  2. 2. The overall quality of discharge teaching ( =140.28, S.D.=29.13) and dimensionssuch as content and teaching method as perceived by caregivers of older patients with stroke were at a high level;
  3. 3. Care coordination before discharge as perceived by caregivers of older patients with stroke was at a high level ( =111.05, S.D.=15.39);
  4. 4. Age, gender and living arrangement of caregivers, prior hospitalization experience of the same condition and length of hospital stay of older patients with stroke were not associated with readiness for hospital discharge among caregivers of older patients with stroke.
  5. 5. The quality of discharge teaching and care coordination had a positive relationship with readiness for hospital discharge among caregivers of older patients with stroke at a statistical significance level of <.01.

The results of this study provide baseline information for development of discharge planning of older patients with stroke by preparing caregivers using discharge teaching and care coordination.


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How to Cite

หงษ์ศรี ป., ปานอุทัย ศ., & พึ่งชมภู ว. (2017). Factors Related to Readiness for Hospital Discharge Among Caregivers of Older Patients with Stroke. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(4), 93–104. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/135614

