Perceived Organizational Support and Proactive Work Behavior Among Registered Nurses


  • กนกวรรณ สังหรณ์ Professional Nurse, Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai
  • เพชรสุนีย์ ทั้งเจริญกุล Assistant professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • อภิรดี นันท์ศุภวัฒน์ Assistant professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Perceived organizational support, proactive work behavior, registered Nurses


It is widely recognized that perceived organizational support have favorable outcomes for employees and the organization. However, the association between perceived organizational support and proactive work behavior among nurses have not yet been examined. The purposes of this descriptive correlational study were to explore perceived organizational support and proactive work behavior among nurses, as well as to examine the relationships between perceived organizational support and proactive work behavior. The sample consisted of 384 nurses working in Northern Regional hospitals. Research instruments included: 1) Demographic data questionnaire, 2) Proactive Work Behavior questionnaire (PWB) developed by Parker and Collins (2010) and translated by the researchers, and 3) Perceived Organizational Support Questionnaire (POS) developed by Eisenberger et al. (1986) and translated by the researchers. The Cronbach’ alpha coefficients of PWB and POS were .89 and .88, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank-order correlation.     

          The results of the study revealed that out of the all the nurses surveyed, 76% scored a moderate level of perceived organizational support, 63% of the same nurses scored a moderate level of proactive work behavior and perceived organizational support had a positive correlation with proactive work behavior (rs = .233, p < .01).  This relationship was explained by the processes assumed by organizational support theory which indicate that perceived organizational support created an obligation to care about the organization’s welfare and to positively increase their performance to the organization that go beyond assigned responsibilities. The results could provide valuable information for nurse managers to be aware of the importance of perceived organizational support.  This study paves the way for future proactive work behavior research and provide empirical support for organizational management practices.


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How to Cite

สังหรณ์ ก., ทั้งเจริญกุล เ., & นันท์ศุภวัฒน์ อ. (2017). Perceived Organizational Support and Proactive Work Behavior Among Registered Nurses. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(4), 134–144. Retrieved from

