Breast Massage for Promoting Milk Production and Milk Ejection


  • กฤษณา ปิงวงศ์ Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • กรรณิการ์ กันธะรักษา Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University


breast massage, milk production and milk ejection, insufficient milk supply


Breastmilk is full of essential nutrition which is necessary for both physical and mental improvement of the infant. Breastfeeding also supports the mothers both individual and social around them. But there are still many lactating mothers who provide insufficient milk supply for their baby. Breast massage technique is an effective alternate to promote the increasing of milk production and milk ejection. The breast massage will help the flow of the breast milk by stimulating the mammary glands, promotes circulation of blood and lymphatic system. It can stimulate the oxytocin hormone secretion which cause the let-down reflex. For the breast massage method from the literature review, there are three methods: Oketani breast massage, 6-basic postures, and Self Mamma Control Method (SMC). Breast massage allows breasts and areola to be soften, the baby can fully keep the nipple in their mount. This will encourage effective breastfeeding, will activate prolactin hormone to continuously increasing milk production and mother’s perception that the baby is taking enough milk and increase the breastfeeding rate.


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How to Cite

ปิงวงศ์ ก., & กันธะรักษา ก. (2017). Breast Massage for Promoting Milk Production and Milk Ejection. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(4), 169–176. Retrieved from

