Role of nurse for advance care plan in critical patient


  • สายฝน ไทยประดิษฐ์ Professional Nurse, Songklanagarind Hospital, Songkhla


Advance care plan, Critical illness, Role of nurse


A critical illness is a threat to the physical, mental, spiritual, social, and economic well-being of a patient and their family. It  affects their thought processes and decision-making in the selection of treatment for patients. Advance care planning for critically ill patients is important because a critical illness reduces perceptive, increases physical and mental stress. Decisions about medical care may not meet the needs of patients and families. Thus, doctors and nurses play an important role in the advance care plan for the decision to promote healthcare through the use of efficient communication processes.


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How to Cite

ไทยประดิษฐ์ ส. (2017). Role of nurse for advance care plan in critical patient. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(4), 189–194. Retrieved from

