Health Promoting Behaviors and Health Status of Older Persons with Early - Stage Dementia


  • กรรณิกา ปิงแก้ว Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • กนกพร สุคำวัง Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • ภารดี นานาศิลป์ Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Health Promoting Behaviors, Health Status, Older Persons, Dementia


Dementia is a significant public health problem among the elderly. In the early stages of dementia, older persons may notice some memory loss but they are still able to perform activities of daily life. The incidence of dementia will increase if there are no prevention programs to delay the severity of dementia. Health promoting behaviors is an appropriate way to address risk factors and reduce severity of the disease. The purpose of this descriptive correlation study was to investigate health promoting behaviors, health status, and the relationship between health promoting behaviors and health status among older persons with early stage dementia. One hundred and six sample who attended at outpatient department of Chiangmai Neurological Hospital were chosen. The instruments used for data collection were a demographic data recording form, health promoting behaviors among older persons with dementia questionnaire developed by the researcher, and health status among older persons with dementia questionnaire was modified by the researcher from that of Paijitra Loskultong (2545). Descriptive statistics and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient were used for data analysis.

The results of the study revealed that:

  1. 1. Overall health promoting behaviors of the subjects were at a high level (= 47.39, S.D. = 4.52). Each dimension such as physical activity was at a low level. Whereas nutrition dimension was at a high level and interpersonal relationship was at a moderate level. Regarding health status of the subjects was at a moderate level ( =79.63, S.D. = 8.59)


  1. 2. There were a statistically significant positive correlation between overall health promoting behaviors and health status but was low level(r=.204, p<.05). There was a statistically significant positive correlation between interpersonal relation and health status at a moderate level (r=.303, p<.01), while physical activity and nutrition were no significant correlation with health status.

The results of this study can be used as baseline information for health personnel when planning to promote appropriate health promoting behaviors for older persons with early stage dementia.


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How to Cite

ปิงแก้ว ก., สุคำวัง ก., & นานาศิลป์ ภ. (2017). Health Promoting Behaviors and Health Status of Older Persons with Early - Stage Dementia. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(พิเศษ(1), 34–44. retrieved from