Factors Predicting Health Behaviors Among Persons with Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia Receiving Chemotherapy


  • ลินยา เทสมุทร Nurse Instructor, Department of Adult and Aging Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Phayao
  • ทวีลักษณ์ วรรณฤทธิ์ Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • อดิศักดิ์ ตันติวรวิทย์ Medical Instructor, Devision of Hematology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University


Factors predicting, health behaviors, leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, chemotherapy


Persons with acute myeloblastic leukemia receiving chemotherapy should have appropriate health behaviors to prevent complications in their treatment. The purposes of this predictive study were therefore to describe levels of health behaviors among persons with acute myeloblastic leukemia receiving chemotherapy and to explore the predicting factors of perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived self-efficacy, and social support. The Health Promotion Model by Pender (2006) was adopted as the conceptual framework for this study. The subjects were 75 persons with acute myeloblastic leukemia receiving chemotherapy and attending the hematology clinic outpatient unit of Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital, from February to May 2014. Subjects were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments consisted of a demographic data recording form and questionnaires regarding health behaviors, perception of benefits, barriers, self-efficacy of health behaviors, and perception of social support among the sample group. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression.




The results of this study revealed that:

  1. Subjects had moderate levels of overall health behaviors. Considering each aspect, the study demonstrated that behaviors regarding infection prevention, lessening of nausea and vomiting symptoms, and stress management, were at moderate levels. Bleeding prevention and behaviors done during anemia were however at high levels.
  2. Perceived self-efficacy was the only factor predicting health behaviors among persons with acute myeloblastic leukemia receiving chemotherapy and accounted for 20.9% (p<.001).

The results of this study demonstrated that perceived self-efficacy could predict health behaviors among persons with acute myeloblastic leukemia receiving chemotherapy. Therefore, self-efficacy of this population should be developed to enhance results for better nursing outcomes.


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How to Cite

เทสมุทร ล., วรรณฤทธิ์ ท., & ตันติวรวิทย์ อ. (2017). Factors Predicting Health Behaviors Among Persons with Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia Receiving Chemotherapy. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(พิเศษ(1), 45–56. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/148033