Lesson Learned from Healthy Public Policy: The Case Study of Control and Prevention of Dengue Heamorrahagic Fever Through Community Participation


  • นพมาศ ศรีเพชรวรรณดี Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • วรันธรณ์ จงรุ่งโรจน์สกุล Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • ศิวพงษ์ คล่องพานิช Public Health Officer, Tambon Ontai Health Promoting Hospital, San kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province


Healthy Public Policy, Control and prevention of dengue hemorrhagic fever


This research was a descriptive study aiming to lesson-learned the control and prevention of dengue hemorrhagic fever through a community participation from Ontai Sub-district, San kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province. The participants were 24 representatives who involved with policy-driven public health representatives, including the mayor of the municipality, health officers from the Ontai health promoting hospital, community leaders and community members. Data collection was conducted by an in-depth interview and focus group discussion. Obtained qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis.

                 The results demonstrated that healthy public policy, the control and prevention of the disease through community participation came from the policy under the Ministry of Health that emphasized all communities to prevent and control this disease.  Because it affects both individuals, families and society, in line with the situation of dengue that annually occurs in the sub-district. After being aware of the significance of the problems, people had cooperated with community leaders, nurses and the health officers from the Ontai health promoting hospital to solve this issue by setting up a committee, planning and operating.  There was a summary of operation to analyze and solve the problems.  Healthy public policy, the control and the prevention of dengue fever by the parish community participation make the outcome concrete.  It demonstrated that the incidence of dengue in the district declined clearly.  This community also continuously got numerous awards about the control and prevention of the disease.  A lesson-learned process can be a guide for the development of healthy public policy in the other areas.


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How to Cite

ศรีเพชรวรรณดี น., จงรุ่งโรจน์สกุล ว., & คล่องพานิช ศ. (2017). Lesson Learned from Healthy Public Policy: The Case Study of Control and Prevention of Dengue Heamorrahagic Fever Through Community Participation. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(พิเศษ(1), 117–127. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/148052