Effects of Oral Stimulation on Preterm Infants’ Breastfeeding Behaviors


  • ศศิธร กิ่งนาละ Professional Nurse, Maharaj Nakorn Chiangmai Hospital, Chiangmai Province
  • พิมพาภรณ์ กลั่นกลิ่น Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • มาลี อื้ออำนวย Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Oral Stimulation, Breastfeeding Behaviors, Preterm Infants


Preterm infants frequently experience oral feeding problems which affect their breastfeeding performance. Oral stimulation may enhance the neuromuscular development for sucking. This quasi-experimental research (two group, pretest-posttest design) aimed to examine the effects of oral stimulation on preterm infants’ breastfeeding behaviors between an experimental and a control group. The sample consisted of 20 preterm infants with postconceptional age 30-32 weeks, who were hospitalized at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and the Nursery Unit of University Hospital in Chaing Mai Province during May to October 2014. The sample was selected through a purposive sampling method which randomized matching by postconceptional age, body weight, and duration of endotracheal intubation. Each subject  was randomly assigned into either the experiment group (n=10) or the control group (n=10). The experiment group received oral stimulation once a day for 10 days and the control group received routine care. The instrument used for conducting in this study was an oral stimulation program. Instruments used for data collecting consisted of the demographic data form and the Preterm Infants’ Breastfeeding Behavior Scale (PIBBS). The reliabilities were 1.0. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Fisher’s exact test, Independent t-test, and Paired t-test.

The results revealed that after intervention, the mean score of preterm infants’ breastfeeding behavior of the experimental group was statistically significantly higher than the control group (p < .01). After the  intervention, the mean score of preterm infants’ breastfeeding behavior in both groups were statistically significantly higher than before the intervention (p < .01).

The findings of this study show that the implemention of oral stimulation can improve preterm infants’ breastfeeding behaviors. Therefore, nursing staff should utilize oral stimulation to promote good breastfeeding behaviors.



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How to Cite

กิ่งนาละ ศ., กลั่นกลิ่น พ., & อื้ออำนวย ม. (2017). Effects of Oral Stimulation on Preterm Infants’ Breastfeeding Behaviors. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(พิเศษ(1), 128–137. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/148056