Development of “DeeTorJai” Model for Chest Compression Training among Nursing Students


  • วิชยา เห็นแก้ว Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Chiangrai College
  • เทียมศร ทองสวัสดิ์ Associate Professsor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiangrai College
  • ไพฑูรย์ ยศกาศ Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Chiangrai College


development of innovation, model for chest compression training


Chest compression is an important professional skill for nursing students. The purpose of this study aimed to develop the “DeeTorJai” prototype model for chest compression training and to study the satisfaction of nursing students toward the use of this innovation. The study was divided into two phases. The first phase was the process of developing the chest compression training prototype model for the 2015 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) in six steps: 1) assessing the experiences and needs assessment of using the chest compression training assisted model of nursing students; 2) reviewing the literature r and experts’ opinions 3) creating the “DeeTorJai” model; 4) inspecting the model by experts; 5) trying out the model; and 6) improving the model. The second phase was studying the satisfaction of nursing students towards the innovation. The samples included 30 third year nursing students.


            The results of this study revealed that of the “DeeTorJai” prototype model for training chest compression was made from fabrics, coated rubbers, wires inside, and weight-bearing electronic circuits which were connected to a monitor. After implementation, it was found that scores of the satisfaction of most nursing students toward the innovation were at a high level as well as at the highest level.

Conclusions and suggestions:

The results of this study demonstrated that the “DeeTorJai” model is a useful innovation for training chest compression. Moreover, if it is improved, it can be developed to be a commercial innovation.


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How to Cite

เห็นแก้ว ว., ทองสวัสดิ์ เ., & ยศกาศ ไ. (2018). Development of “DeeTorJai” Model for Chest Compression Training among Nursing Students. Nursing Journal CMU, 45(4), 171–180. retrieved from

