Intensive Care Experience Among Intensive Care Unit Survivors


  • ซูซี่ลาวาที โมฮาเหม็ด อริฟฟิน Kulliyyah of Nursing, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • นิตยา ภิญโญคำ Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • จิราภรณ์ เตชะอุดมเดช Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Intensive care unit


Critically ill patients need advanced support to remain alive and prevent serious complications. However, patients may experience either pleasant or unpleasant memories during their stay in ICU. Unpleasant experiences can affect patients or lead to later negative consequences. Critical care nurses have a pivotal role in identifying traumatic experiences in order to improve care. This study aims to explore the intensive care experiences among ICU survivors. This study was conducted in the general wards of three selected hospitals in Malaysia. One hundred and forty-two (142) participants agreed to take part in this study and to answer the Intensive Care Experience Questionnaire (ICEQ) which included additional questions that covered four domains: awareness of surroundings, frightening experiences, recall of experiences, and satisfaction with care.  

            The results of the study were as follows:

Half of the samples reported a high awareness of their surroundings. The less aware group reported not being aware of people, place and time. About 70%  (67.6%) of the samples reported high levels of frightening experiences. Pain experienced by the participants came from medical procedures or by the disease process. Only 17.6% of the samples reported being able to recall precisely what happened in the ICU. Participants recalled seeing scary things but having enough sleep in the ICU. The results showed that 43.0% reported being highly satisfied with their care, and claimed that the staff was kind and delivered the best care to patients. This result indicates that critically ill patients, especially in the ICU, need strong support physically and psychologically in order to minimize unpleasant experiences and, later, negative consequences by providing a conducive environment and care with sympathetic concern.


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How to Cite

อริฟฟิน ซ. โ., ภิญโญคำ น., & เตชะอุดมเดช จ. (2018). Intensive Care Experience Among Intensive Care Unit Survivors. Nursing Journal CMU, 45(4), 181–191. retrieved from

