Participation in Decision Making and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Nurses in Medical College Hospitals, Dhaka, The People’s Republic of Bangladesh


  • เมเฮรัน นีสา MSN Candidate, Senior Staff Nurse, Comilla Medical College Hospital, Comilla, The People’s Republic of Bangladesh
  • วิภาดา คุณาวิกติกุล Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
  • อรอนงค์ วิชัยคำ Lecturer, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University, Thailand


Participation in decision making, Organizational citizenship behavior, Staff nurse


Participation in decision making and organizational citizenship behavior is very important in the nursing profession leading to enhanced quality of services and professional development. The purposes of this descriptive correlational study were to identify the level of participation in decision making and organizational citizenship behavior among nurses, and to identify the relationship between participation in decision making (PDM) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) among nurses in Medical College Hospitals, Dhaka, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The sample consisted of 293 nurses who worked in the medical hospitals in Dhaka. Research instruments included the PDM Scale developed by Probst (2005) and the OCB Scale developed by Lee and Allen (2002). The reliability coefficient of the PDM scale and OCB scale for individual and OCB Scale for organization were .80, .81 and .80, respectively. Descriptive and Spearman’s Rank-Order coefficient statistics were used for data analysis.

            The results of this study indicated that the level of overall PDM and overall OCB and OCB for individual and OCB for organization among nurses were at a moderate level ("X"  ̅ = 20.96, SD = 5.55; "X"  ̅ = 54.92, SD = 1.57; "X"  ̅ = 28.40, SD = 7.31; and "X"  ̅ = 26.51, SD = 8.69), respectively. There was a statistically significant strong positive correlation between PDM and overall OCB, OCB for individual and OCB for organization among nurses (r = .994, p=0.000; r = .987, p=0.000; r = .980, p=0.000), respectively. Nurse administrators may use these results to develop strategies to improve participation in decision making and organizational citizenship behavior


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How to Cite

นีสา เ., คุณาวิกติกุล ว., & วิชัยคำ อ. (2018). Participation in Decision Making and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Nurses in Medical College Hospitals, Dhaka, The People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Nursing Journal CMU, 45(4), 192–202. retrieved from

