Head Nurses’ Authentic Leadership and Job Satisfaction Among Nurses in General Hospitals, Central Region, Mongolia


  • ดูลำซูเรน ดามิแรน Lecturer, Darkhan-Uul Medical School of National University of Medical Sciences, Mongolia
  • ฐิติณัฏฐ์ อัคคะเดชอนันต์ Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • สมใจ ศิระกมล Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Job satisfaction, authentic leadership, head nurse


The leadership style of head nurses is an important factor that has an effect on job satisfaction among nurses.  The purposes of this study were to explore head nurses’ authentic leadership as perceived by nurses, and to explore job satisfaction and to identify the relationship between head nurses’ authentic leadership and job satisfaction among nurses in general hospitals in the central region of Mongolia. The sample consisted of 276 nurses, randomly selected from nurses working in five general hospitals. The research instruments were the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ), developed by Walumbwa et al. (2008) and the Abridge Job Descriptive Index (aJDI), developed by Stanton et al. (2001). The ALQ and aJDI were confirmed for validity by the developers. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of ALQ and aJDI were 0.90 and 0.85, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

          The results of the study indicated that:

  1.  The head nurses’ authentic leadership as perceived by nurses was at a moderate level.
  2.  The job satisfaction as perceived by nurses was at a moderate level.
  3.  There was a statistically significant moderate positive relationship between head nurses’ authentic leadership and job satisfaction among nurses.

            The results of the study could be used as baseline information for nursing administrators in planning and developing strategies to improve the leadership of head nurses and enhance job satisfaction among nurses. By improving head nurses’ authentic leadership, staff nurses’ job satisfaction will increase.  


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How to Cite

ดามิแรน ด., อัคคะเดชอนันต์ ฐ., & ศิระกมล ส. (2018). Head Nurses’ Authentic Leadership and Job Satisfaction Among Nurses in General Hospitals, Central Region, Mongolia. Nursing Journal CMU, 45(4), 203–216. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/162725

