The Development of Emotional Intelligence in Nursing Students


  • วิลัยพร นุชสุธรรม Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • อำพัน เรียงเสนาะ Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • สาวิตรี จีระยา Instructor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College


Emotional Intelligence, nursing students


Emotional Intelligence is an ability to live with others creatively and happily. Persons with Emotional Intelligence are able to perceive their own emotions and needs, as well as be compassionate, responsible, and motivated. They can also make decisions to solve problems, build good relationship with others, be virtuous and valuable persons who are satisfied with life, have peace of mind, and can lead a happy life. Moreover, emotionally intelligent persons are motivated, goal-directed, determined, as well as confident to think and make decisions. They can use their intellectual capability to the fullest extent. Emotional Intelligence is crucial to nursing students since it allows them to develop significant characteristics for their lives. There are three aspects of emotional quotient development: 1)  Emotional Intelligence development for goodness enables nursing students to control their own emotions and needs, be compassionate, and responsible to others; 2) Emotional Intelligence development for competence allows nursing students to cultivate self-recognition, motivation, appropriate decision-making ability, effective performance, and good relationship with others, and 3) Emotional Intelligence development for happiness allows nursing students to live happily, be proud of themselves and satisfied with life, as well as have peace of mind. Emotional Intelligence is a quality that is of great importance for nursing students. Thus, educational institute administrators and teachers should recognize the significance of Emotional Intelligence and promote its development in nursing students so that they can be ready for society and perform their nursing role happily and successfully.


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How to Cite

นุชสุธรรม ว., เรียงเสนาะ อ., & จีระยา ส. (2017). The Development of Emotional Intelligence in Nursing Students. Nursing Journal CMU, 44(พิเศษ(2), 111–118. Retrieved from