Effects of Self-management Enhancement on Quality of Life and Rehospitalization Rate Among Elderly with Heart Failure


  • ฐิติมา ทาสุวรรณอินทร์ Professional Nurse
  • ลินจง โปธิบาล Associate Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • ทศพร คำผลศิริ Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


self-management enhancement, self-management behaviors, quality of life, re-hospitalization rate, The elderly with heart failures


Heart failure is a major chronic illness frequently found in elderly populations. To maintain quality of life, patients need to effectively self-manage their health conditions. This two group pre-test /post-test experimental research aimed to investigate the effect of self-management initiatives on quality of life and measurement of re-hospitalization rates among elderly patients with heart failure, attending the outpatient department at Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital during May-August, 2014. The participants included 44 elderly patients randomly selected from those who met the inclusion criteria. The participants were randomly assigned into equal experimental and control groups. The experimental group received 6-weeks of self-management health enhancement with 2.5 hours of weekly activities. The control group received usual nursing care. Data were collected using a Personal Data Recording Form, Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire, and Re-Hospitalization Recording Form. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and Z-test.

The result of this study revealed that, after receiving the self-management enhancement plan, the quality of life of elderly persons with heart failure was significantly higher than those receiving usual nursing care. The elderly persons receiving this self-management enhancement plan had better quality of life than those receiving usual nursing care (p<.001), while the re-hospitalization rate tended to decrease, however without  statistical significance (p>.001).

The results from this study indicate that self-management enhancement improves quality of life and tends to decrease re-hospitalization rates in elderly populations with heart failure. Therefore, nurses should administer the self-management enhancement plan to elderly patients, to help them effectively self-manage their health, prevent complications, and attain a better quality of life


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How to Cite

ทาสุวรรณอินทร์ ฐ., โปธิบาล ล., & คำผลศิริ ท. (2019). Effects of Self-management Enhancement on Quality of Life and Rehospitalization Rate Among Elderly with Heart Failure. Nursing Journal CMU, 46(4), 108–121. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/230308

