Grounded Theory Study in Nursing Research


  • อารีวรรณ กลั่นกลิ่น Corresponding author: Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • วาสนา อูปป้อ Registered Nurse Senior Professional Level, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Suphanburi


Grounded Theory, Nursing Research, Symbolic interactionism, Substantive Theory


Grounded Theory is a type of qualitative research methodology used to develop or create the theory from the research process by the inductive method, which is the conclusion of the data from the study phenomenon by gathering and analyzing systematically. The development of the theory by this method is based on Symbolic Interactionism, a conceptual framework that studies social processes that interact with each other. The grounded theory process uses a method of collecting qualitative research data and analyzing the data simultaneously by providing coding to categorize the data. Finding the meaning of the relationship between the properties and dimensions to obtain the core category of the phenomena that need to be studied and make comparative analysis between data collected from the fieldwork and the literature review by constant comparison method. After that, select the core category that can explain the phenomenon that researchers want to study. Then define relationships with other categories to develop a rational relationship model or a diagram of the theory.The results obtained from the research using the grounded theory from the basic data will create a substantive theory and can be developed as a formal theory.

Grounded Theory is used in nursing research because that can explain human behavior and social contexts. It can be applied to various issues relating to nursing phenomena.




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How to Cite

กลั่นกลิ่น อ., & อูปป้อ ว. (2019). Grounded Theory Study in Nursing Research. Nursing Journal CMU, 46, 116–127. Retrieved from

