Association between Family factors and parenting style and nutritional status among students grade 4-6 in schools under the office of the basic education commission


  • Suchada Pichaitum คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร
  • Yuwayong Juntarawijit Assisttant Professor, Faculty of Nursing Naresuan University
  • Umaporn Hanrongcharotorn Assisttant Professor, Faculty of Nursing Naresuan University


Family Factors, Parenting Style, Nutritional Status


Nutritional status is a foundation of good health. This descriptive study aims to study the association between family factors, parenting style and nutritional status among students in grades 4-6 in schools. One hundred and seventy one parents of students in grades 4-6 in schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission in Muang District Phitsanulok Province were selected by multistage sampling. The instrument used in the research was a questionnaire, which consisted of two parts: family factors and parenting styles. Descriptive statistics and the Chi-Square test and the standard score (Z-Score) were used to analyze the data.                          The result showed that family income was associated with nutritional status while family type, parental education and the number of children were not associated with nutritional status. It also found that an authoritative parenting style was associated with nutritional status while authoritarian, permissive and neglectful parenting styles were not associated to nutritional status.

The result of this study could be used to promote the parent to realize the significance of food selection and food consuming that appropriate to child ’s age.


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How to Cite

Pichaitum, S. ., Juntarawijit, Y., & Hanrongcharotorn, U. (2020). Association between Family factors and parenting style and nutritional status among students grade 4-6 in schools under the office of the basic education commission. Nursing Journal CMU, 47(4), 88–99. retrieved from

