Competencies of Professional Nurses in ASEAN Economic


  • sorut wongsuttitham Assistance Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Burapha University
  • Suwannee Mahakayanun Assistance Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Burapha University
  • Darussanee Potaros Assistance Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Burapha University
  • Nareerat Boonnate Assistance Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Burapha University
  • Duangjai Vatanasin Assistance Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Burapha University
  • Sawitree Wonginjun Instructor, Faculty of Nursing Burapha University


competencies of professional nurses, ASEAN Economic


Thai professional nurses need to have talent competencies to increase the effectiveness of nursing services and provide standards nursing to support the health care of people in ASE Economic. The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe the competencies of professional nurses in ASEAN Economic. Research informants of 22 were doctors, nurses director, nurses manager, head nurses and professional nurses, who worked   thematic analysis methods based on Miles, Huberman & Saldana (2014).

          The results showed that the competencies of professional nurses in the ASEAN community including: 1) Modern knowledge and expertise in nursing practice 2) Being the unique hospitality of Thai nurses 3) Cultural diversity nursing care 4) Communication skills 5) The management of the conceptual model and 6) Able to search technology data for evidence-based practice. The data obtained from this study can be used as information for professional organizations, health services units in both public, private and educational institutions in preparation for development competencies of professional nurses in nursing to maximize the benefits for service recipients both in the country and the ASEAN community.


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How to Cite

wongsuttitham, sorut, Mahakayanun, S. ., Potaros, D. . ., Boonnate, N. ., Vatanasin , . D. ., & Wonginjun , S. . (2020). Competencies of Professional Nurses in ASEAN Economic. Nursing Journal CMU, 47(4), 444–457. retrieved from

