Work-Family Enrichment and Intention to Stay at Work of Nurses in Private Hospitals


  • Sichol Sooksee Rajavej Chiang mai Hospital
  • Petsunee Thungjaroenkul Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Kulwadee Abhicharttibutra Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


work -family enrichment, intention to stay, private hospital


Work-family enrichment generates a positive mood, which allows nurses to cope with stressful working conditions and results in increasing the intention to stay in employment positions. This correlational descriptive study was to explore at work-family enrichment, intention to stay, and its relationship among nurses in private hospitals. The participants consisted of 155 professional nurses who are working in two private hospitals in Chiang Mai. The research instrument included the work-family enrichment scale developed by Carlson
et al. (2006) and the scale of intention to stay developed by Dolerdee Rattanapitikon (2009). The alpha coefficient for work-family enrichment scale was .96 and the alpha coefficient of the scale of intention to stay was .84 Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Spearman rank correlation coefficient.

Results of the study were as follows:

  1. Nurses experienced work-family enrichment at a high level.They recognized that resources gained in their work facilitated their family role at high level and also that resources gained in the family enhanced their work function at high level
  2. Nurses intended to stay at work at a high level and work-family enrichment had a positive significant association with the intention of the nurses to stay at their work.

The findings reveal that increasing work-family enrichment for nurses reinforces their professional motivations and decreases turnover intentions of nurses at private hospitals. It is recommended that nursing administrators foster work-family enrichment of nurses by providing nurses with psychological and materialsupport Additionally, the nursing administrator should support nurses in taking care of their family, since their family role creates a positive spillover to facilitate their working function and performance.    


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How to Cite

Sooksee , S., Thungjaroenkul , P. ., & Abhicharttibutra , K. . (2020). Work-Family Enrichment and Intention to Stay at Work of Nurses in Private Hospitals. Nursing Journal CMU, 47(4), 336–346. retrieved from

