Non-technical Skills of Perioperative Nurses for Patient Safety in Tertiary Hospital, Thailand


  • Jiratchaya Siwawut master’s degree/Faculty of Nursing Prince of Songkla University
  • Pratyanan Thiangchanya Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing Prince of Songkla University
  • Pramot Thongsuk Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing Prince of Songkla University


non-technical skills, perioperative nurses, thailand


The purpose of this research is to identity non-technical skills to improve patient safety for perioperative nurses in tertiary hospital using Delphi technique. Subjects included 27 experts from among nursing administrators in tertiary hospitals, registered nurses in operation room, doctors, nursing educators and academics. The Delphi technique consisted of 3 steps. Step 1: 4 highly experienced experts in non- technical skills were selected to describe non-technical skills for perioperative nurses in tertiary hospital. Step 2: data were analyzed and developed into a rating scales questionnaire. All items in the questionnaire were ranked by importance in non- technical skills by 23 experts. Step 3: data were analyzed using median and interquartile range which was then used to develop a new version of the questionnaire. The new questionnaire was sent to previous experts to confirm the previously ranked items. Data were analyzed again using median and interquartile range to summarize the study. 

Results showed that non-technical skills to improve patient safety for perioperative nurses comprised 6 skills and 45 elements as follows: 1) situation awareness with 12 elements, 2) communication with 7 elements, 3) teamwork with 6 elements, 4) task management with 7 elements, 5) leadership with 6 elements, and 6) decision making with 7 elements. 

Nurse administration can apply the components of non-technical skill to be a guideline to identify policy and platform for nursing human resource development in order to improve patient safety outcome.


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How to Cite

Siwawut , J., Thiangchanya , P., & Thongsuk , P. . (2020). Non-technical Skills of Perioperative Nurses for Patient Safety in Tertiary Hospital, Thailand . Nursing Journal CMU, 47(4), 458–469. retrieved from

