Nursing Informatics: Trends and Application


  • Onchira Vadtanapong Chulabhron Hospital, Chulabhron Royal Academy,


Nursing, Nursing Informatics


Today, information technology is influent to various profession even nursing resulting to professional nurses is necessary to keep pace with the changes of information technology that always happens. To achieve the highest work efficiency and effectiveness. The purpose of this article is to show the importance of nursing informatics. The trend and application in nursing for service, education and management. Nursing informatics can help to make decisions in nursing practice, nursing management, nursing research and nursing quality development, which helps to develop knowledge for professional nurses catch up with technology.


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How to Cite

Vadtanapong, O. (2021). Nursing Informatics: Trends and Application. Nursing Journal CMU, 48(2), 295–304. retrieved from

