Stress in First-time Fathers: Role of Nurse-Midwife


  • Punpilai Sriarporn Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Piyaporn Prasitwatanasare Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Nisachon Ruksakul Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Karnjana Chaiteeka Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


First-time fathers, Stress, Paternal roles, Role of Nurse Midwife


Becoming a father is one of the most important transitional periods that first-time fathers confront upon learning of their wives’ pregnancy through the postnatal period. This transition causes psychological, emotional, and social changes in first-time fathers. Emotionally, fathers can experience both positive and negative feelings. Positive feelings include feeling proud and satisfied, while negative feelings may lead to psychological changes such as anxiety and stress because of family expectations that fathers undertake their paternal roles completely. Therefore, support and assistance for first-time fathers, particularly from midwives, is crucial in helping fathers to adjust to their paternal role. The purpose of this paper was to document the level of stress in first-time fathers, as well as the effects of stress, factors causing stress, and the role of midwives in caring for first-time fathers to prevent stress. This article can be used to guide midwives in providing care for fathers to help them adapt to their paternal roles effectively.


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How to Cite

Sriarporn, P. ., Prasitwatanasare , P., Ruksakul , N., & Chaiteeka , K. (2021). Stress in First-time Fathers: Role of Nurse-Midwife. Nursing Journal CMU, 48(2), 283–294. retrieved from

