Food Consumption Behaviors and Nutritional Status in Older Persons with Stroke


  • Sucharinee Srisawat Professional Nurse, Chiangmai Neurological Hospital
  • Tosaporn Kumpolsiri Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Sririrat Panuthai Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


food consumption behaviors, Nutritional status, Older Adults, Stroke


Older persons who are stroke survivors should have appropriate food consumption behaviors to improve their nutritional status. This research aimed to describe the relationship between food consumption behaviors and nutritional status in older persons who are stroke survivors. The sample consisted of 88 older persons with stroke survivors receiving care from outpatient clinic, Chiang Mai Neurological Hospital. The sample was purposively selected based on the eligibility criteria. Data were collected using: 1) the demographic data and clinical characteristics form; 2) food consumption behaviors in older persons who suffered from stroke questionnaire; and 3) a nutritional status record form. Research instruments were tested for validity and reliability. They had a statistically acceptable value before data collection. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

          The study results revealed that:

  1. The overall was men (60.23%) and mean age 69.85 years. The nutritional status of participants before diagnosis with stroke was obesity level 1 (40.92%).

       2.The overall mean score of food consumption behaviors were very appropriate (=50.51, S.D. = 6.68).

  1. The nutritional status of participants was obesity level 1 indicated by the mean score of body mass index (=25.54 kg/m2, S.D. = 3.66).
  2. Food consumption behaviors showed a moderately negative significant relationship with nutritional status (r = -0.32, p < 0.01)


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How to Cite

Srisawat , S., Kumpolsiri , T., & Panuthai , S. (2021). Food Consumption Behaviors and Nutritional Status in Older Persons with Stroke. Nursing Journal CMU, 48(1), 54–66. Retrieved from

