Factors Related to Preventive Behaviors Prior to Knee Osteoarthritis of Persons in Community


  • Piangrawee Niprapan Nurse,Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital
  • Sumalee Lirtmunlikaporn Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Rangsiya Narin Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Factors, Knee osteoarthritis preventive behaviors, Prior to knee osteoarthritis, Persons in community


Knee osteoarthritis is a condition that can have a slow progression if appropriate preventive health behaviors are practiced.  This correlational descriptive research aimed to study preventive behaviors prior to knee osteoarthritis of persons in the community and to examine the correlation between factors related to preventive behaviors for knee osteoarthritis and preventive behaviors prior to knee osteoarthritis of persons in community.  Four hundred and seventy-six participants, aged 35-59 years old, who did not have knee osteoarthritis and lived in Chiang Mai were included in this study.  They were selected through a multistage random sampling technique.  Data were collected during March to May 2017. Instruments in this study included questionnaires on demographic data, preventive behaviors prior to knee osteoarthritis, knowledge about knee osteoarthritis, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and perceived self-efficacy of knee osteoarthritis prevention.  The questionnaires were developed by the researcher and were approved by five experts. The content validity index values were between 0.98 and 1.00 and reliability values between .71 and .80.  Descriptive statistics and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient were used for data analysis.

          The research findings revealed that preventive behaviors prior to knee osteoarthritis were at a moderate level. The correlation between factors related to preventive behaviors of knee osteoarthritis including knowledge about knee osteoarthritis, perceived benefits, and perceived self-efficacy of knee osteoarthritis prevention were positively correlated with preventive behaviors prior to knee osteoarthritis at the .01 level (r = .13, r = .17, and r = .22, respectively). However, perceived barriers of knee osteoarthritis prevention were negatively correlated with preventive behaviors prior to knee osteoarthritis of persons but was not statistically significant. The research findings could be used as baseline information for public health personnel in planning health promotion preventive behaviors of knee osteoarthritis in the community which may lead to program development for knee osteoarthritis prevention.


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How to Cite

Niprapan , P., Lirtmunlikaporn , S., & Narin , R. (2021). Factors Related to Preventive Behaviors Prior to Knee Osteoarthritis of Persons in Community. Nursing Journal CMU, 48(1), 147–158. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/250246

