Health Literacy and Care Behaviors of Parents in Preventing Respiratory Infection in Children with Congenital Heart Disease Prior to Cardiac Surgery


  • Khanuengnit Wicha Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • Usanee Jintrawet Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Suthisa Lamchang Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Health literacy, Care behaviors of parents, Preventing respiratory infection, Children with congenital heart disease


Parental correct care behaviors allow children with congenital heart disease to be healthy and undergo cardiac surgery as medically planned. The purpose of this descriptive correlational research was to study relationships between health literacy and care behaviors of parents in preventing respiratory infection in their children prior to cardiac surgery. The sample included 85 parents of children aged 1-6 years old diagnosed with cyanotic congenital heart disease who have not undergone cardiac surgery. These participants were drawn from the outpatient cardiac clinic in 3 tertiary-level hospitals in northern Thailand from June to November 2018. The research instruments included the health literacy and the parental care behaviors to prevent respiratory infection in children questionnaires. The reliability of the questionnaires, using the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, showed values of .89 and .84, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s product moment correlation.

The results revealed that:

  1. Participants had a high level of health literacy, mean 44.12, SD = 8.48.
  2. Participants provided care behaviors to prevent respiratory infection in their children at a high level, mean 79.54, SD = 10.80.
  3. Health literacy was positively moderately statistically correlated to care behaviors of parents in preventing respiratory infection in children prior to cardiac surgery (r = .390, p < .01)

The findings in this study provide preliminary data about health literacy and care behaviors of parents in preventing respiratory infection in children with congenital heart disease prior to cardiac surgery. The information may serve as a guide for health personnel to promote effective care among parents in preventing respiratory infection in children with congenital heart disease prior to cardiac surgery.


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How to Cite

Wicha , K., Jintrawet , U., & Lamchang , S. (2021). Health Literacy and Care Behaviors of Parents in Preventing Respiratory Infection in Children with Congenital Heart Disease Prior to Cardiac Surgery. Nursing Journal CMU, 48(2), 193–205. retrieved from

