Thai Women with Intimate Partner Violence



Thai women, Intimate Partner Violence, Screening for violence, Role of nurses


Currently, the problem of intimate partner violence among Thai women has been increasing every day. Most females have experienced some form of physical violence, sexual violence, emotional abuse, or threats. Furthermore, intimate partner violence affects women’s physical and psychological state such that those who are abused by intimate partners suffer higher levels of mental health problems. The purpose of this article is to present the meaning of intimate partner violence, the types of violence, the cycle of violence, and the role of nursing. Nursing management of intimate partner violence includes screening and assessment for violence. Technology and digital interventions for intimate partner violence contribute to women’s access to self-help resources.

Author Biography

Amporn Nueangjaknak, สถาบันการพยาบาลศรีสวรินทิรา สภากาชาดไทย

Faculty member of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institue of Nursing


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How to Cite

Nueangjaknak, A. (2022). Thai Women with Intimate Partner Violence. Nursing Journal CMU, 49(2), 390–402. retrieved from

