Symptom Experiences and Abdominal Pain Management in Post Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Patients
Experience abdominal pain, Abdominal Pain Management, Endoscopic Retrograde CholangiopancreatographyAbstract
Abdominal pain is the most common post endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), resulting in suffering. This descriptive research aimed to study the incidence of abdominal pain in patients who have done ERCP, and explored the experience with abdominal pain management by pharmacological method and non-pharmacological method, including their outcomes. The samples consisted of 90 patients who have done the ERCP in internal medicine ward and surgical ward. The research instrument were five questionnaire consisting of 1) general information and medical data. 2) non-pharmacological management of abdominal pain after ERCP and outcomes 3) severity and frequency of abdominal pain 4) Health status post ERCP 5) Pharmacological pain management and outcome post ERCP. Data analysis were performed by descriptive statistics. The results showed as followed.
1. The incidence rate of abdominal pain after ERCP was 42.22 %
2. The severity of pain were moderate, severe pain, and mild in 20.00%, 13.33% and 8.89%, respectively. The frequency of abdominal pain were rarely pain, almost always pain, full time and sometime pain in 50% ,18.42%,18.42% and 13.16%, respectively.
3. The abdominal pain managements in patients after ERCP showed as follow,
3.1 Pharmacological and non-pharmacological method was 57.89 %.
Fentanyl was used the most and then morphine, pethidine and non-opioid respectively.
3.2 The patients who use only non-pharmacological method were 42.11%. The most used technique were psychological support and lying still., followed by stroking the pain area and relaxation techniques.
4. The results of abdominal pain managements for post ERCP patients showed as follow,
4.1 The result of pharmacological and non-pharmacological method showed that the patients received paracetamol, pethidine and patients who received more than one combination drug were 100% effectively. The patient received fentanyl and morphine wear 92.30% and 80.% effectively respectively
4.2 The result of non-pharmacological methods showed that psychological support was 75%
effectively, followed by stroking the pain area and lying still in 55%, and 41.70% effectively, respectively.
The results of this research suggest that nursing care programs for patients with abdominal pain post ERCP should be developed for effective nursing care in the future.
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