Knowledge and Practices for Influenza Prevention Among Elderly in Communities


  • Pichamon Harncharoenkit Faculty of Nursing, Chiangmai university
  • Sumalee Lirtmunlikaporn Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University
  • Wilawan Tuanrat Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University


Elderly in Communities, Knowledge of influenza prevention, Practices of influenza prevention


Influenza is a respiratory infection disease that makes the elderly sick and can cause death from complications of the disease. This descriptive research aimed to study knowledge and practices of influenza prevention among the elderly in communities. The research sample consisted of 405 participants aged 60 years and older and living in Chiang Mai province. Data were collected between October, 2020 and March, 2021. The research tools consisted of a general information interview form, an influenza prevention knowledge interview form, and an influenza prevention practices interview form, all of which were developed by the researcher. The research tools were tested for validity and reliability. Descriptive statistics was used for data analysis.
The research findings revealed that knowledge of influenza prevention among the elderly in the urban community was at high (56.54%) and moderate levels (43.46%), and knowledge of influenza prevention practices among the elderly in communities was at high (56.0%), moderate (43.70%) and low levels (0.25%).
The results of this research show that the majority of elders had influenza prevention knowledge and practiced influenza prevention at a high level. However, the findings also show that the knowledge of the elderly was at a moderate level, and their practices were at moderate or low levels. Therefore, professional nurses and public health personnel should develop a variety of strategies to promote knowledge and effective prevention of influenza among the elderly in communities.


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How to Cite

Harncharoenkit, P., Lirtmunlikaporn, S., & Tuanrat , W. (2022). Knowledge and Practices for Influenza Prevention Among Elderly in Communities. Nursing Journal CMU, 49(1), 175–185. retrieved from

