Effect of a Breast Self-examination Promotion Program on Breast Self-examination Skills and Breast Self-care Behavior Among Risk Groups in Lomsak District, Phetchabun Province
Promoting breast self-examination program, Breast self-care behavior, Breast self-examination skills, Women at riskAbstract
The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to compare the effect of a breast self-examination promotion program on breast self-examination skills and breast self-care behavior among women who were at risk of breast cancer. The women were randomly assigned to control and intervention groups. The intervention group of 30 women received a breast self-examination promotion program based on the Pender's health Promotion Model and the 30 women in the control group were provided with routine care from the district health promotion hospital. Data collection took 12 weeks, and the data collection instruments included information on: 1) breast self-care behavior and 2) breast self-examination skills. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Repeated Measures ANOVA, Independent t-test and ANCOVA.
The study results were as follows:
1. The mean scores for breast self-examination skills and breast self-care behavior for the intervention group at the 8th and 12th weeks were statistically significantly higher than the mean scores gained before the intervention (p < .001).
2. The mean scores for breast self-examination skills and breast self-care behavior of the intervention group at the 8th and 12th weeks were statistically significantly higher than the mean scores of the control group (p < .001).
These results indicate that the breast self-examination promotion program achieved its purpose in helping to improve both the breast self-examination skills and the breast self-care behavior of women who were at risk of breast cancer.
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