Nutritional Status and Fatigue of Patients with Cirrhosis in Tertiary Hospitals, Yunnan Province, the People’s Republic of China
Nutritional status, fatigue, cirrhosisAbstract
Nutritional status is one of the major concerns in patients with cirrhosis, which is likely to influence their perception of fatigue. This descriptive-comparative study aimed to examine the nutritional status and fatigue, and the difference of fatigue within different levels of nutritional status among patients with cirrhosis. Purposive sampling was used to select 133 participants from two tertiary hospitals in Yunnan province, the People’s Republic of China. The research instruments included the Demographic Data form, Serum albumin concentration and the Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS). Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, the Kruskal-Wallis H test and the Mann-Whitney U for Post Hoc test.
The results of this study showed that:
1. The total mean concentration of serum albumin in participants was 32.71 g/L (SD = 7.01) with
a range of 17.30 to 51.20.
2. The mean of the total FIS score was 33.00 (SD = 19.04) with a range of 5 to 123.
3. There were four pairs of different levels of nutritional status which showed a significant difference in fatigue: normal nutrition and moderate malnutrition (p < .01), normal nutrition and serious malnutrition (p < .01), mild malnutrition and moderate malnutrition (p < .01) and mild malnutrition and serious malnutrition (p < .01).
The results of this study could be useful for clinical nurses to be aware of fatigue symptoms among patients with cirrhosis by considering serum albumin concentration levels. Also, they may be useful in developing effective fatigue management programs and improving nutritional status.
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