Components of Innovative Work Behavior Among First-line Nurse Managers in Private Hospitals and Government Hospitals


  • Phechnoy Singchongchai Faculty of Nursing, Christian University
  • Wandee Sutthisak Faculty of Nursing, Christian University
  • Bubpha Kitsahawong Vichaiyut Hospital
  • Kessarawan Nilvarangul Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


Innovative work behavior, First-line nurse manager, Private hospital, Government hospital


The objective of this descriptive research was to determine the components of innovative work behavior among first-line nurse managers in private hospitals and government hospitals. The subjects were 400 first-line nurse managers: 200 from private hospitals and 200 from government hospitals recruited using stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a five-point rating scale questionnaire on innovative work behavior with a content validity index of 0.81 and a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.86. Descriptive statistics, first-order CFA, and second-order CFA were employed.
The results revealed as the following:
1. The numbers of components of innovative work behavior among first-line nurse managers in both types of hospitals were the same (4 components). The construct validity of the instrument was tested and found to be congruent with the empirical data [(x2prvt = 38.02, p-value = .970, GFI = 0.956, RMSEA = .000)] and x2govt = 41.871, p-value = .971, GFI = .9737, RMSEA = .000).
2. The number of indicators of the private hospitals was 13 while that of the government hospitals was 12. Three components had the same number of indicators which were innovative idea exploration (3 indicators), innovative idea generation (3 indicators), and innovative idea implementation (3 indicators). For innovative idea championing, the government hospitals had 3 indicators while the private hospitals had 4 indicators.
The research results indicate that nursing administrators should have a good quality tool with construct validity of innovative work behavior to assess qualifications in creative ideas and in the management of new activities for the development of innovative leadership.


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How to Cite

Singchongchai, P., Sutthisak, W., Kitsahawong, B., & Nilvarangul , K. (2022). Components of Innovative Work Behavior Among First-line Nurse Managers in Private Hospitals and Government Hospitals. Nursing Journal CMU, 49(1), 25–37. retrieved from

