The Needs of Family Members of Intensive Care Unit Patients: Needs Assessment Research


  • Nalinee Niyomthai คณะแพทยศาสตร์โรงพยาบาลรามาธิบดี มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
  • Teepatad Chintapanyakun Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Parunee Wongsri Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Phunsuk Hiransai Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Titimaporn Pomrod Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University


Needs, Family members, Critically ill, Needs assessment research


Patients in intensive care units, and family members, need to properly obtain continuing care and adequate information to meet their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. The aims of this study were: 1) to assess the actual needs of family members of ICU patients; and 2) to prioritize the needs of family members of ICU patients based on their perceptions. Needs assessment research was applied as the research approach. The samples were family members selected by purposive sampling from 184 family members of ICU patients admitted to the Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University. The needs of family members of intensive care unit patients questionnaire was tested for its content validity index (CVI = .85) and construct validity, which showed an overall fit with the empirical data (2 (df = 4, N=184) = 8.651, p = .0705, CFI = .980, TLI = .970, RMSEA = .0079, SRMR = .042). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was between .88 and .92. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the modified priority needs index (PNImodified).    
                The results showed that the actual needs of family members of ICU patients were at a high level in the information, physical, emotional, and spiritual domains. In addition, it was found that the emotional needs should be set and developed as the first priority, (PNImodified = 0.39), the physical needs as the second priority (PNImodified = 0.29), and information needs as the third (PNImodified = 0.27).  
          The results of this study will be beneficial for healthcare personnel including physicians, nurses, and persons who are responsible for the needs of family members of ICU patients, especially in relation to their emotional needs, in order to empower them, overcome their fear, and release their anxiety effectively. 


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How to Cite

Niyomthai, N., Chintapanyakun, T., Wongsri, P., Hiransai, P., & Pomrod, T. (2022). The Needs of Family Members of Intensive Care Unit Patients: Needs Assessment Research. Nursing Journal CMU, 49(2), 283–297. retrieved from

