Pain Management and Outcomes Among Patients After Thoracic or Abdominal Surgery
Pain management, Pain outcomes, Post-thoracotomy, Post-abdominal surgeryAbstract
This descriptive and correlational study aimed to examine nurses’ management using clinical nursing practice guidelines (CNPG) for pain management among patients within 72 hours after thoracic or abdominal surgery. The sample was comprised of 150 patients who underwent thoracic or abdominal surgery, and 90 nurses working in one tertiary care hospital in Southern Thailand. The research instruments consisted of the CNPG questionnaire (which collected data on pain management); the Short Form of the Thai version of the Pain Intensity Questionnaire (which collected data on pain outcomes), the Pain Interference Questionnaire, and the Mobility Record. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank correlation.
The results showed that:
- Nurses’ application of CNPG for pain management was at a good level, overall, and for each dimension.
- Pain intensity at 24 hours after surgery was at a moderate level and had decreased to a mild level by 72 hours after surgery. Pain interference 24 hours to 72 hours after surgery was at a mild level, whereas patients’ mobility increased from 24 hours after surgery through 72 hours later.
- Pain intensity showed a positive correlation with pain interference at 48 hours after surgery (p < .001) and had a negative association with mobility at 72 hours after surgery (p < .001).
This study indicates that application of CNPG leads to good pain outcomes among patients after thoracic or abdominal surgery.
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