The Effects of a Peripheral Intravenous Infusion Program on the Compliance Behaviors of Preschool Children


  • Tunyawan Khuttamasoon Mission Faculty of Nursing, Asia-Pacific International University
  • Orapen Pongklum Mission Faculty of Nursing Asia-Pacific International University
  • Phatphitcha Kruthangka Mission Faculty of Nursing Asia-Pacific International University


Compliance behavior, Peripheral intravenous infusion, Preschool children


          This quasi-experimental study aimed to study the effects of a peripheral intravenous infusion program on compliance behaviors. Subjects were preschool children admitted to pediatric wards with 20 subjects in each group. The experimental group received a peripheral intravenous infusion program, while the control group received routine nursing care. The research instruments consisted of the peripheral intravenous infusion program, and a compliance behavioral observation form which yielded respective content validity. The inter-rater reliability of the observation form was 0.97. Descriptive statistics and an independent sample t-test were used to analyze the data.
            The results revealed that the mean scores for compliance behavior in peripheral intravenous infusion among the experimental group were higher than those of the control group (p < .05). When classified by situation, the experimental group and the control group had no difference in mean scores for compliance behaviors before the instillation of the solution. However, while inserting the catheter into the blood vessel and after retaining the vascular salvage tube to provide the solution, the mean scores for compliance behaviors in peripheral intravenous infusion among the experimental group were higher than those of the control group (p < .05).
           Certainly, the peripheral intravenous infusion program can increase compliance behaviors and prevent complications during the peripheral intravenous infusion of preschool children. The results of this study will be beneficial for preschool pediatric patients in preparation for peripheral intravenous infusion procedure.


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How to Cite

Khuttamasoon, T., Pongklum, O., & Kruthangka, P. (2022). The Effects of a Peripheral Intravenous Infusion Program on the Compliance Behaviors of Preschool Children. Nursing Journal CMU, 49(4), 344–356. retrieved from

