Health Literacy and Self-Management Among Older Persons with Gastrointestinal Cancer


  • Kamissara Chareonsopakun Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Sirirat Panuthai Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Nattaya Suwankruhasn Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University


Health literacy, Self-management, Older Persons with Gastrointestinal Cancer


          Self-management among older persons with gastrointestinal cancer, to help them control symptoms and live with their disease, is influenced by various factors. This descriptive research aimed to study health literacy and self-management, and the relationship between health literacy and self-management in older persons with gastrointestinal cancer. The sample consisted of 88 older persons who were diagnosed with gastrointestinal cancer and registered at Phayao hospital. Data were collected using a questionnaire on the health literacy of elders with gastrointestinal cancer, with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.85, and a questionnaire on the self-management of elders with gastrointestinal cancer, with a content validity index of 0.94 and a Pearson’s correlation coefficient of 0.89. The data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient.
           The results showed that older persons with gastrointestinal cancer had a high level of health literacy and a good level of self-management. It was also found that health literacy and self-management showed a moderate positive correlation at a significant level (r = 0.352, p < .01).
           The findings of this study can be used by health personnel for planning to promote health literacy and self-management in older persons with gastrointestinal cancer.


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How to Cite

Chareonsopakun, K., Panuthai, S., & Suwankruhasn, N. (2022). Health Literacy and Self-Management Among Older Persons with Gastrointestinal Cancer. Nursing Journal CMU, 49(4), 207–219. retrieved from

