Development of an Online Training Program for Work Safety Preparation Among Vocational Students


  • Pimpilai Jaitrong Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Wanpen Songkham Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Kunlayanee Tantranont Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University


Work safety preparation, Vocational students, Online training program


             Work-related injuries are a major occupational health problem, especially for youth workers. This development research study aimed to develop an online training program on work safety preparation for vocational students by applying of Alessi and Trollip’s concept of development and media design. The sample included 41 vocational students who graduated from the Industry Vocational Certificate Program in Chiang Mai province and who were selected by purposive sampling. The instruments used were the design and development plans for an online training program, and questionnaires, including an opinion questionnaire, a formative test and summative test, and a satisfaction questionnaire with content validity indices between 0.87-0.91 and reliability between 0.73-0.82. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. The efficiency of the program was assessed by the ratio of the efficiency of the learning process to the efficiency of the learning outcomes (E1:E2)
             The results of the research were as follows: 1) the 150-minute online training program for work safety preparation for vocational students consisted of an introduction, videos, content, infographics, during-class tests, and a post-test, 2) the program efficiency was 84.17:83.67, and 3) the majority of the respondents were satisfied with the online training program, in terms of content, design and presentation, benefits, and overall satisfaction, at the highest level (4.50, SD = 0.68).
            Therefore, the program should be utilized in education, training, and research to further study the effectiveness of online training programs.


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How to Cite

Jaitrong, P., Songkham, W. ., & Tantranont, K. (2023). Development of an Online Training Program for Work Safety Preparation Among Vocational Students. Nursing Journal CMU, 50(2), 238–254. Retrieved from

