Psychological Ownership of Nurses in Different Departments at Tertiary Hospitals in Kunming, the People’s Republic of China
Psychological ownership, Nurses, Different departments, Tertiary Hospitals, ChinaAbstract
Having high psychological ownership is important for an organization to reduce turnover rates for nurses. This descriptive comparative research aimed to examine the psychological owner- ship (preventative and promotive forms) of nurses and compare psychological ownership of nurses in different departments in Kunming tertiary hospitals, the People’s Republic of China. The sample consisted of 389 nurses from 3 tertiary hospitals. The research instruments consisted of a demo- graphic data form and the Psychological Ownership Questionnaire. The Cronbach’s alpha co- efficient of preventative psychological ownership was 0.87, and of promotive psychological owner- ship, was 0.87. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and One-way ANOVA.
The results revealed the following:
Preventative and promotive psychological ownership was at a moderate level ( = 3.50, SD = 1.05; = 4.28, SD = 0.81, respectively). Participants who worked in outpatient departments had a significantly higher preventative and promotive psychological ownership than those who worked in critical care departments (F = 11.059, mean difference = 1.26, p < .01; F = 43.171, mean difference = 1.61, p < .01, respectively); those who worked in inpatient departments had a significantly higher preventative and promotive psychological ownership than those working in critical care departments (F = 11.059, mean difference = 0.67, p < .01; F = 43.171, mean difference = 1.14, p < .01, respectively); and those working in outpatient departments had a significantly higher preventative and promotive psychological ownership than those working in inpatient departments (F = 11.059, mean difference = 0.59, p < .05; F = 43.171, mean difference = 0.46, p < .05, respectively).
The results of this study can provide basic information for nursing managers and hospital administrators to develop strategies to enhance the psychological ownership of nurses in different departments in Kunming tertiary hospitals, the People’s Republic of China.
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