Resilience and Professional Quality of Life of Nurses in Tertiary Hospitals, The People’s Republic of China


  • Zhou Li Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Thitinut Akkadechanunt Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Orn-anong Wichaikhum Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University


Resilience, Professional quality of life, Nurses, Tertiary hospitals


             Professional quality of life (ProQOL) of nurses is a significant issue that affects nurse retention and nurses’ job satisfaction. This descriptive correlation study aimed to describe the resilience and professional quality of life of nurses, and to examine the relationship between resilience and each dimension of ProQOL for nurses in tertiary hospitals in the People’s Republic of China. The participants included 364 nurses working in different units of three tertiary hospitals in western Yunnan province. The research instruments consisted of the Demographic Data Form, the Chinese version of the Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), and the Chinese version of the Professional Quality of Life version 5 (ProQOL 5). The Chinese version of the CD-RISC and ProQOL5 were confirmed for validity by the developers. The Cronbach alpha reliability of the Chinese version of the CD-RISC was 0.88, and for the three subscales of the Chinese version of the ProQOL (compassion satisfaction, burnout, and compassion fatigue) were 0.94, 0.89, and 0.72, respectively. Descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank-order correlation were used to analyze the data.

              The results of this study showed that:

               1. The mean score for resilience of the participants was 64.43 (SD = 11.56).
               2. The mean scores for each dimension of the ProQOL, including compassion satisfaction (= 31.83, SD = 7.01), burnout (= 25.82, SD = 5.28), and compassion fatigue (= 26.33, SD = 5.03) for the participants, were at average levels.
               3. There was a moderately positive relationship between resilience and compassion satisfaction (rs = .50, p < .01.), moderately negative relationships between resilience and burnout (rs = –.48, p < .01), and weakly negative relationships between resilience and compassion fatigue (rs = –.16, p < .01).

               The results of this research provide basic information for nurse administrators to develop proper strategies for improving nurses’ resilience in order to increase compassion satisfaction and decrease burnout and compassion fatigue of nurses in tertiary hospitals in the People’s Republic of China.


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How to Cite

Li, Z., Akkadechanunt, T., & Wichaikhum, O.- anong. (2022). Resilience and Professional Quality of Life of Nurses in Tertiary Hospitals, The People’s Republic of China. Nursing Journal CMU, 49(4), 70–84. retrieved from

