Factors Related to the Choice of Treatment Methods Among Persons with Pre-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease


  • Panadda Sawasdee Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Nuttamon Vuttanon Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Pratum Soivong Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University


Choice of treatment methods, Persons with pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease


      For patients with chronic kidney disease, the proper choice of treatment is essential in attempting to control symptoms, reduce complications, and delay the progression of the disease. This descriptive correlational study aimed to examine the choice of treatment methods, and to explore the correlation between knowledge of chronic kidney disease and its treatments, family support, and the choice of treatment methods among persons with pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease. The purposive sampling included 85 participants who were diagnosed with stage 4 or 5 chronic kidney disease and received treatment at the outpatient clinic at Lampang Hospital. Research instruments consisted of: the Knowledge of Chronic Kidney Disease and Treatment Methods Questionnaire, the Family Support Questionnaire, and the Choice of Treatment Methods Questionnaire. The content validity was approved by six experts. The reliability of the Knowledge of Chronic Kidney Disease and Treatment Methods Questionnaire as well as the Family Support Questionnaire was determined, using Cronbach alpha coefficients, to be 0.88 and 0.79, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and multinomial logistic regression.
         The results of this study were as follows:
         1. The most common choice of treatment method among participants was palliative care (45.90%), followed by continuous peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplant, and hemo- dialysis (23.50%, 18.80%, and 11.80%, respectively).
          2.Knowledge of chronic kidney disease and treatment methods, and family support were not related to the choice of treatment method.
           These findings could be used as a basis for further studies on the other factors related to the choice of treatment methods in pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients.            


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How to Cite

Sawasdee, P., Vuttanon, N., & Soivong, P. (2022). Factors Related to the Choice of Treatment Methods Among Persons with Pre-dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease. Nursing Journal CMU, 49(4), 151–162. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/260470

