The Critical Care Competency for COVID-19 Patients of Intensive Care Nurses in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Hospitals


  • Chanon Khanantai Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University
  • Borwarnluck Thongthawee Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University
  • Buntarika Chatreewatanakul Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University


Nurse competency, Intensive care unit nurses, Critically ill patients, Covid-19 disease


          ICU nurses caring for critically ill COVID-19 patients must have the ability or competency to take care of them throughout the crisis. The purpose of this descriptive research was to study the competency of caring for critically ill patients with COVID-19 among ICU nurses. The sample consisted of 280 ICU nurses who had at least 1 month's experience caring for critically ill COVID-19 patients in six Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Hospitals and one university hospital. The instruments included a demographic questionnaire and a questionnaire on nurses’ competency of providing care for critically ill patients with COVID-19 (QNCPC-COVID). The QNCPC-COVID was developed from a review of the relevant literature using the conceptual competency of caring for critically ill patients covering knowledge, practical skills, attitudes, and caring experiences. The QNCPC-COVID was validated by 5 experts and exhibited validity by CVI (0.90) and reliability coefficient by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (0.98). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.
            The study found that ICU nurses took care of critically ill COVID-19 patients with a high level of overall performance. The highest mean was found in 3 domains: 1) principles of nursing, 2) clinical guidelines, and 3) development work. The lowest domain areas, which need to be developed, were 1) nursing interventions, 2) decision-making, and 3) ethics and law, respectively.
           The results of this study can be used as baseline data for nurses developing competencies in caring for COVID-19 patients to increase efficiency of care outcomes.


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How to Cite

Khanantai, C., Thongthawee, B., & Chatreewatanakul, B. (2023). The Critical Care Competency for COVID-19 Patients of Intensive Care Nurses in Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Hospitals. Nursing Journal CMU, 50(2), 41–55. retrieved from

