Health Literacy and Care Behaviors in Preventing Respiratory Infection Diseases Among Parents of Preschool Children in Child Development Centers


  • Wiphawan Chailangka Faculty of Nursing Chiang Rai College
  • Thamonnat Wicha Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • Lawan Somboon Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • Suthida Kaewkajorn Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Rai College
  • Boonyarit Aryuyuen Paoordonchai Subdistrict Municipality


Health literacy, Parental care behaviors, Child development centers, Preschool children, Respiratory infection disease prevention


          Good parental childcare behaviors contribute to a healthy early childhood. This descriptive and correlational research aimed to investigate parental health literacy and behaviors for preventing respiratory infection diseases, and the relationship between parental health literacy and behaviors and respiratory infection disease prevention in a child development center. The study samples consisted of 85 parents of children aged 2-5 years who were sick, or had been sick, with respiratory infection diseases within 6 months of the study period. Data were collected in 4 child development centers in Paoordonchai subdistrict municipality, Mueang Chiang Rai, Chiang Rai Province from February to April 2022. The research instruments consisted of questionnaires related to health literacy and parental behaviors on respiratory infection prevention; the reliability of the questionnaires, using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, showed values of .80 and .74, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
           The results revealed that:
           1. Health literacy of the samples was at a high level (= 42.94, SD = 8.31). In determination of each dimension, it was found that all three aspects were at a high level: functional health literacy (= 15.34, SD = 3.79), interactive health literacy ( = 13.32, SD = 3.56) and critical health literacy ( = 14.27, SD = 3.78) 
         2. Parental behaviors for respiratory infection disease prevention were at a high level (= 61.39, SD = 7.83). In determination of each dimension of care behaviors, it was found that all nine aspects were at a high level: avoidance of infection ( =10.92, SD = 2.34), caring of home environment ( = 9.62, SD = 2.20), caring for children's personal hygiene ( = 7.80, SD = 1.33, taking care of exercise and rest ( = 7.61, SD = 1.50), providing good nutrition ( = 7.31, SD = 1.61), strengthening immunizations ( = 5.51, SD = .96), prevention of spreading infection ( = 5.18, SD = 1.18), keeping children warm ( = 4.59, SD = 1.35), and observing abnormal symptoms which need to visit the physician (= 2.86, SD = .41)
          3. Parental health literacy had a significant positive correlation with behaviors for respiratory infection disease prevention in preschool children at a moderate level (r = .457, p < .01)
          The findings in this study can be used as preliminary data for health personnel to establish health literacy promotion plans for respiratory infection disease prevention among parents of preschool children in child development centers to be more effective.


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How to Cite

Chailangka, W., Wicha, T. ., Somboon, L. . ., Kaewkajorn, S., & Aryuyuen, B. (2023). Health Literacy and Care Behaviors in Preventing Respiratory Infection Diseases Among Parents of Preschool Children in Child Development Centers. Nursing Journal CMU, 50(2), 195–211. retrieved from

