Factors Predicting Self-Management Among Elderly Monks with Hypertension


  • Sutthinan Codrington Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Nattaya Yakong Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Kronthip Inmueang Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Manutsawee Kanom Faculty of Nursing Chiang Mai University
  • Aphisit Thananchai Registered nurse, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Priest Hospital


Self-management, Health literacy, Self-efficacy, Social support, Elderly monks, Hypertension


Self-management refers to actions taken by persons with chronic disease to improve their quality of life. This predictive correlational study aimed to describe self-management, health literacy, self-efficacy, and social support and to examine the factors predicting self-management in elderly monks with hypertension. A purposive sampling of 196 elderly monks with hypertension were recruited through health care services from the outpatient department of a university hospital. Participants responded to interview forms which included personal information and information on illness-related data records, self-management behaviors, health literacy, self-efficacy, and social support. Descriptive statistical analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data.

 The research findings indicated that the participants had self-management, health literacy, self-efficacy, and social support at a moderate level. Health literacy, self-efficacy, and social support collectively predicted self-management in the sample, accounting for 88.7% of the variance (β = 0.887, F = 15.578, p < .001). Health literacy was the highest predictor (β = .617, p < .001), followed by social support (β = .547, p < .001) and self-efficacy (β = .079, p < .05).

The findings provide foundational information to promote health literacy and social support enhancing self-management for elderly monks with hypertension.


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How to Cite

Codrington, S., Yakong, N., Inmueang, K., Kanom, M., & Thananchai, A. (2024). Factors Predicting Self-Management Among Elderly Monks with Hypertension. Nursing Journal CMU, 51(1), 1–13. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cmunursing/article/view/265991

