Empowerment and Quality of Work Life Among Nurses in Specialty Hospitals, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Structural empowerment, Psychological empowerment, Quality of work life, Nurse, Specialty hospitalsAbstract
Quality of work life is essential for attracting and retaining nurses in the healthcare workforce. This cross-sectional correlational study aimed to describe the levels of quality of work life and the relationships between structural empowerment, psychological empower- ment, and quality of work life among nurses in specialty hospitals. Data were collected from 164 nurses at ten specialty hospitals in Myanmar, and stratified random sampling was used to select participants. Self-administered questionnaires, including the Work-Related Quality of Life Scale, the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire, and the Psychological Empower- ment Questionnaire, were used to measure the major study variables. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to test reliabilities, which were .88, .92, and .81, respectively. Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation tests were carried out to analyze the data.
This study revealed that nurses perceived overall quality of work life at an average level (M = 76.64, SD = 9.01) and overall structural empowerment at a moderate level (M = 14.27, SD = 2.47). The overall mean score for psychological empowerment as perceived by nurses was between 5-10% of the norm among workers in various industries. Moreover, there was a significant positive correlation between structural empowerment and quality of work life at a high level (r = 0.59, p < 0.01), and there was a significant positive correlation between psychological empowerment and quality of work life at a moderate level (r = 0.39, p < 0.01).
Nursing and health policymakers should develop strategies and guidelines to boost the quality of work life among nurses at specialty hospitals in Myanmar.
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