The Effectiveness of a Self-Efficacy Promoting Program on Knowledge, Self-Confidence, and Caring Behaviors of Caregivers of Children with Congenital Heart Disease Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization
Self-efficacy, Knowledge, Self-confidence, Child caring behaviors, Congenital heart disease, Cardiac catheterizationAbstract
Pediatric cardiac catheterization can be either a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure without surgery. If caregivers have knowledge and proper caring behaviors, it will help children with congenital heart disease undergoing cardiac catheterization to be safe from complications. This experimental research aimed to study the effectiveness of a self-efficacy promoting program on knowledge, self-confidence, and caring behaviors of caregivers of children with congenital heart disease undergoing cardiac catheterization. The sample consisted of 24 primary caregivers of children with congenital heart disease, aged 0-6 years, undergoing cardiac catheterization in the pediatric cardiac ward of a university hospital. They were divided into a control group and an experimental group with 12 caretakers in each. The control group received only routine nursing care, while the experimental group received the self-efficacy promoting program. The research instruments included the following: 1) a self-efficacy promoting program about caring for children undergoing cardiac catheterization, 2) instruments for data collection, which consisted of one each on knowledge, self-confidence, and caregiver caring behaviors. The questionnaires had an item content validity index of 1.00, 1.00, and .98, respectively. The reliability of the knowledge questionnaire was checked and the Kuder-Richardson 20 value was .71, the self-confidence and caregiver caring behaviors questionnaires had Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .84 each. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, independent t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA.
Results indicated that the experimental group had: a statistically significant higher average knowledge score after receiving the program than before receiving the program (p < .05); a statistically significant different average knowledge score during the follow-up phase (p < .001); a statistically significant higher average self-confidence score during the follow-up phase than after receiving the program (p < .05); and statistically significant higher self-confidence than the control group (p < .001). As for the mean scores of caring behaviors between the control group and the experimental group, these were not significantly different (p = .667).
This research suggests that, despite there being no significant difference in caring behavior scores between the control group and the experimental group, caregivers participating in the program exhibited an increase in knowledge, self-confidence, and caring behaviors. Therefore, nurses can use this program as a guideline for effectively providing knowledge to caregivers of children with congenital heart disease who have undergone cardiac catheterization.
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